Friday, August 30, 2002

This will probably be a regular feature of The Sabertooth Journal. Here's a collection of all of the news stories and commentary that I found interesting since Monday, but was unable to post and comment upon in a timely manner.

There's a lot of good material on the World Summit in Johannesburg. TECH CENTRAL STATION has a section of its website devoted to the summit. James K. Glassman SAYS the idea that increasing wealth leads to a better environment is gaining support. Duane D. Freese WRITES that Bush's bilateral approach defies global warming alarmists with economic sense. James K. Glassman also SAYS Bush was right not to show, because without the president in Johannesburg, activists are forced to confront more serious matters than bashing America. Bjorn Lomborg WRITES in the New York Times that the environmentalists have it all wrong. Economic development must come before sustainability. The Adam Smith Institute EXPLAINS how capitalism and progress can cure the world's ills. Professor Philip Stott TELLS the environmentalists what the poor really need: coal, gas, and oil. For left-wing news, The Guardian SAYS rich nations should match the poor's generosity, and SAYS economic growth makes many in the rich world miserable.

There were also some interesting articles on the poor this week. The Daily Telegraph WRITES that the left admits the underclass is a myth. Reason SAYS environmentalists have a lot to learn about what the poor want. And Thomas R. DeGregori CLAIMS Non-Governmental Organizations don't speak for the poor, powerless, and hungry.

Reason TAKES ON the hypocrisy of smoking bans justified by employee health concerns.

Keith Thompson SETS STRAIGHT a sexist Stanford professor for blaming males for child abuse, when evidence shows that females commit the majority of child abuse.

Linda Seebach COMMENTS on how liberals now are worried about academic freedom in universities after spending the last 15 years trampling on the rights of conservatives with speech codes and political correctness on America's campuses.

Lisa Snell at the Reason Public Policy Institutes WRITES how government money and regulation that discourages competition can corrupt school privatization.

The Tax Foundation SAYS changes in economic assumptions and statistical techniques are mostly responsible for wild swings in the Congressional Budget Office's estimates of the deficit. More spending and tax cuts are really not to blame.