Friday, September 06, 2002

THE U.S. GOVERNMENT HAS LICENSED the first commercial mission to the moon.

A SWEDISH POLITICIAN RUNNING FOR PARLIAMENT called for porn to be broadcast on television all day every Saturday in order to help boost the population and thereby the economy.

A WOMEN CLAIMS AN INDIANAPOLIS POLICE OFFICER tried to coerce her into having sex with the officer after a traffic stop. The women caught part of the conversation on a tape recorder, which is interesting considering the story I reported two weeks ago about a Massachusetts man being convicted of wiretapping for tape recording his traffic stop.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-BERKELEY has reversed its anti-patriotic policy for September 11th.

THE USA TODAY REPORTS new gas engines can be nearly pollution-free. CBS IS REPORTING the same story.

A NEW STUDY DEBUNKS the doomsday prophecy of environmentalists.

THE U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT is hosting a conference on why there is so much anti-American sentiment in the world. The results from this conference could lead to a worldwide marketing and public relations campaign to improve America's image around the world.

SCHOOLS COULD BE SUED for teaching about homosexuality.

THE HOOVER INSTITUTION SAYS the increased power of the teachers unions has led to the decreased performance of teachers. THE CATO INSTITUTE ADDRESSES rolling back the power of the teachers unions.

WAKE COUNTY, NC SCHOOLS WILL begin testing students for illegal drugs.

REASON DISCUSSES THE NEW BASEBALL collective-bargaining agreement and how problems could get worse.